Public Liability Insurance

Build a tailored Liability policy as unique as your business – from just £5* a month

What is public liability insurance?

Public liability insurance, sometimes referred to as general liability insurance, “PL” or “PLI”, is a type of business insurance. It protects you if a third party (such as a customer or a member of the public) makes a claim against you because they were accidentally injured, or their property was damaged in connection to your business activities.

With public liability insurance, you’ll be covered against the cost of any legal fees, the cost of compensation claims and the cost of repairing or replacing damaged property.

It’s not a legal requirement, but it can protect your business from unforeseen costs. Customers and local/public authorities (such as local councils, schools etc.) may also ask that you have it in place as part of a business agreement. They may ask you to supply a certificate of public liability insurance as proof of your coverage. 

Most public liability policies cover you whether the injury or damage happened at your premises or off-site. If your business sells products, you may also need to consider product liability insurance.

What does Public Liability insurance cover?

What’s covered:

Compensation Payments

Up to £10 million cover† for compensation payments relating to any damages, medical bills or lost earnings.

Legals Costs

Legal costs of up to £1 million for claims of accidental bodily injury, loss or damage to third party material property, or wrongful arrest in connection with the business. You’re also covered for any costs in connection with alleged breach of statutory duty under health and safety, consumer protection or food safety legislation as well as costs in connection with criminal inquiry into manslaughter/corporate manslaughter, culpable homicide, or corporate homicide. You also have access to a 24-hour legal helpline**.

What’s not covered:

Personal Injury

If you’re injured as part of your business activities or as a result of someone else, you are not covered under your public liability policy. Instead, you should consider health insurance to protect against this risk.

Employee Claims

If your employees are injured or become ill as a result of working for you, public liability won’t cover any compensation or legal fees associated with these claims. Instead, you need an employers’ liability policy.

Your own property and equipment

If your own property is damaged as a result of your business activities, public liability won’t cover the cost of repair or replacement. Instead, you should consider tools and equipment cover.

Public Liability Insurance can cover you against otherwise costly claims. The best way to see the cover we can offer your business is to get a quote.

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